Friday, September 7, 2018

Literacy apps for emergent readers.

Following on from my last post, i thought i would share some apps i have found to be successful in the classroom and across Sommerville Special School. I use the iPads as an independent activity as part of my writing rotation.
I have downloaded a whole bunch of other new apps which i will spend some time using in the classroom before sharing. Enjoy!

 Writing Wizard:
- excellent tool for tracing letters and numbers

 Sight words by photo touch:
- flashcards on screen that read out high frequency words which the student has to press
- great for testing sight word knowledge
 ABC alphabet by photo touch:
- same concept as the sight words app but upper case alphabet
- video shown on previous post
 Special words:
- teaching word concepts
- starts with matching picture to picture, then picture to word etc
- similar concept to the programme "my baby can read" 
 Elmo loves ABC's:
- All of my students enjoy exploring this app
- great for teaching alphabet knowledge
 ABC Magic 1:
- flashcards that word like a book. Students can flick through to explore letter sounds, letters and objects beginning with that letter

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