Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Token Economy

My inquiry focuses on improving both key competencies - Managing Self and Relating to Others to work on the fundamental skills in order to improve my students reading levels.
One strategy I have put in place is a token economy to use during playtime to encourage appropriate play. Tokens are given for appropriate play throughout playtime to work towards a reward at the end of play if he has 5 coins on his chart. The teacher on duty wears the lanyard around their neck and provides continuous positive reinforcement for the desired behavior.
There are many different tokens you can use, I have used the same coin system that Tamaki Primary have used for their school wide points system.

This image presents an example of how a token economy can be viewed as a cycle.


  1. Hi Lauren, it's really interesting reading your blog as your inquiry is very similar to mine. Let's catch up and swap notes at some point

    1. Hi Bridie, it would be great if we collaborated on our inquiry. Id like to see your progress and implementation.
